Categories: meta

Maintenance Schedule

Sometime between now and tomorrow night, this blog will be migrated to WordPress. The whole process is planned to be seamless, with no major visible changes in look and feel, bookmarks and permalinks. So it may not affect the readers unless something goes wrong during the process. Just in case you can’t access India Travel Blog during the maintenance window, know that it is temporary and we will be back online soon.

Update(25th March 2009): India Travel Blog is now running on wordpress. All the links and pages will remain same as they used to be, so there will be no need to update any bookmarks or feeds. A few things are broken, but will not be apparent to regular visitors. More on this on a detailed post.

Categories: meta

Images and RSS feeds

I realized some time ago that images on the blog are not getting displayed in RSS feeds. I did not know this for a long time, since it works on my laptop, where images are displayed from browser cache. It would work for you too, if you see the images on browser first and then open RSS feeds. does not support hotlinks to images from other sites(such as Google Reader and bloglines), which was the cause of the problem. I have now enabled it for Google Reader and bloglines. If you are using any other web based feedreader to read India Travel Blog, just leave a comment here stating the reader you use, and I will have it enabled for you.

Categories: meta

Full feeds on India Travel Blog

Till now, I used to publish partial feeds of India Travel Blog. ‘Come and read it on the webpages,’ was the idea. But when I was browsing through a long list of feeds today, I found that very few of them were partial feeds. And couldn’t help noticing that those partial feeds were a pain, having to leave the comfort of my feedreader and go elsewhere to read the posts, and then come back again. So that’s it, the decision is taken, India Travel Blog now publishes full feeds.

A few small changes are likely to keep happening on India Travel Blog in the days to come. I have now cut down the number of posts on the index page, since most of the posts are laden with photos and can take time to load. The content column is widened fro 500 to 575 pixels to improve readability. I am also experimenting with the blog template to make it look more friendly and readable. It might be a few weeks of constant changes on India Travel Blog.